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Getting Places With Arch Linux

LVM on LUKS Arch installation with systemd-boot

A New Dawn

Not so long ago, as a part of my on-going attempt to improve my understanding of Linux, I decided to install Arch Linux from scratch. This has been on my TODO list for ages but the purchase of a new laptop gave me the necessary push to actually get to it. I’m not a a complete newbee when it comes Linux as I have worked with Ubuntu for several years. In addition for the past 2 years my primary work environment has been Antergos, which is a great Arch Linux derivative. However, even though I felt pretty comfortable with basic Linux usage I still approached the task of installing Arch with a little trepidation. I’m happy to say that was a stupid mentality.

One of my requirements for this install was to include drive encryption, which the default Arch installation guide does not address (without extensive digging). After a couple hours of browsing guides and reading the phenomenal ArchWiki I finally felt comfortable giving it a shot. This guide is explicitly tailored towards installing Arch with LVM on LUKS volume encryption and a systemd-boot boot partition.

Getting Started (The Journey Begins)

Downloading Arch Linux is the first step. You can get an Arch ISO from the official Arch Linux download page.

In my case, I installed Arch from a USB drive.

To do this, you need to mount the installation media on a USB drive:. I’ll explain how to do this on a Linux machine but if you are using Windows you may need to use something like Rufus.

Firstly, plug your drive in and find its name with the command lsblk.

Before proceeding, make sure that the above drive is not mounted.

To mount the Arch ISO run the following command, replacing /dev/sdx with your drive, e.g. /dev/sdb. (do not append a partition number, so do not use something like /dev/sdb1):

dd bs=4M if=/path/to/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress && sync

When the command is finished you will have a USB drive with a bootable Arch Linux installer.

Now shutdown the device you plan to install Arch on then plug the USB drive in and boot the device up again. Instruct your device to boot from the USB if it does not do so automatically (You can do this in the BIOS).


Arch Linux will start up in and you should be greeted by a virtual console.

If your device has a small scree the font might be uncomfortably small. You can change the font using this command:

setfont sun12x22

Because this is a systemd-boot guide you should ensure the installer is running in UEFI mode:

ls /sys/firmware/efi

If there is any content in this folder then you are in UEFI mode and can continue. Otherwise change your boot mode in your BIOS.

Next check that there is an internet connection:

ping archlinux.org

For an easy installation you should plug an ethernet cable in. For wifi installations you will have to take a look at the Arch wiki yourself.

Next, update the system clock:

timedatectl set-ntp true

Lastly to enable download mirrors, edit /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist and locate your geographic region. Uncomment the mirrors you would like to use.

This should complete the basic install preparation.


This step is a bit more advanced and deals with the partitioning of drives.

The first step is to get the name of the disk you want to format/partition:


The name should be something like /dev/sda

Now because the drive is going to be encrypted and we want to ensure all old data is erased permanently you will want to shred the disk using the shred tool:

shred -v -n1 /dev/sdX

Now partition the disk using gdisk:

gdisk /dev/sda

Partition 1 should be an EFI boot partition (code: ef00) of 512MB. Partition 2 should be a Linux LVM partition (8e00). The 2nd partition can take up the full disk or only a part of it. Remember to write the partition table changes to the disk on configuration completion.

Once partitioned you can format the boot partition (the LVM partition needs to be encrypted before it gets formatted):

mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1


Now that the partitioning is complete we can move to the really complex stuff. In this section we set up the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) and Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS).

The first step is to modprobe for dm-crypt:

modprobe dm-crypt

Next, encrypt the disk (make sure you choose the correct disk to encrypt, i.e. don’t encrypt the boot partition):

cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2

Open the disk with the password set in the above command:

cryptsetup open --type luks /dev/sda2 lvm

Check that the lvm disk exists:

ls /dev/mapper/lvm

Create a physical volume:

pvcreate /dev/mapper/lvm

Create a volume group:

vgcreate volume /dev/mapper/lvm

Next, Create logical volumes. You should change the below commands to suit your system specs. In my case I have 16GB RAM and a 512 GB SSD, hence the large sizes for root and swap volumes.

lvcreate -L20G volume -n swap
lvcreate -L40G volume -n root
lvcreate -l 100%FREE volume -n home

Format file system on the logical volumes:

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/volume-root
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/volume-root
mkswap /dev/mapper/volume-swap

Lastly, mount the volumes and file systems:

mount /dev/mapper/volume-root /mnt
mkdir /mnt/home
mount /mnt/boot
mount /dev/mapper/volume-home /mnt/home
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
swapon /dev/mapper/volume-swap

This completes the drive encryption but don’t forget the password set in the above as it is the only way to decrypt the disk (i.e. if you forget your password you will lose all your data).


To start the actual Arch installation you will need to bootstrap the base system onto the disk using pacstrap:

pacstrap /mnt base base-devel vim

Generate fstab:

genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

chroot into the system:

arch-chroot /mnt

Set time locale (Choose your own time zone):

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Johannesburg /etc/localtime

Set clock:

hwclock --systohc

Uncomment en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 en_US ISO-8859-1 and other needed localizations in /etc/locale.gen. Once done run the following in order to generate the locale:


Create a config file for the chosen locale:

locale > /etc/locale.conf

Add an hostname:

vim /etc/hostname

The hostname can be anything and should just be placed at the top of the above file.

Update /etc/hosts to contain the following:   myhostname.localdomain  myhostname

myhostname should be whatever you chose in the previous step.

Because we are using disk encryption we have to change the initramfs.

Edit the /etc/mkinitcpio.conf. Look for the HOOKS variable and move keyboard to before the filesystems and add encrypt and lvm2 after keyboard. Here is an example:

HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard encrypt lvm2 filesystems fsck"

Regenerate the initramfs based on the above changes:

mkinitcpio -p linux

Install a bootloader:

bootctl --path=/boot/ install

Create bootloader. Edit /boot/loader/loader.conf. Replace the file’s contents with:

default arch
timeout 3
editor 0

The editor 0 ensures the configuration can’t be changed on boot.

Next create a bootloader entry in /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options cryptdevice=UUID={UUID}:volume root=/dev/mapper/volume-root quiet rw

In order to get the UUID mentioned above, run the following command in vim:

:read ! blkid /dev/sda2

If you have reached this point, rejoice! You are now finished with the install configuration and the next few steps will simply entail finalizing the setup.


Complete the installation by first exiting chroot:


Now unmount everything:

umount -R /mnt

and finally reboot


Conclusion (The End is Here…kinda)

You now have a working Arch system and can start turning it into something that is truly yours. Customizability in Arch is an endless pursuit. As long as you have the time and dedication you can turn your system into literally anything you want.

For some general recommendations, software tips and additional system hardening take a look at:

General Recommendations
Security and Hardening